⚙️  Audio & Video Settings and Preferences

Adjusting your video settings in Topia is simple and allows you to optimize your experience based on your preferences and requirements.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to manage your video settings effectively:

When entering a world on Topia

Anytime you enter a world, you will have an option to adjust your audio and video input. You'll also have an option to blur your background and preview your video before entering the world.

From inside a Topia world, access Audio and Video settings by click the Video Settings icon in the top of the toolbar on the left side of the screen.


Screenshot 2024-06-26 at 8.45.53 PM

Choose Video Mode

Video modes allow you to choose the way that videos appear on your screen. There are 4 options:

  • Default Mode: This mode will display videos of others in the world along the top and bottom of the screen (5 videos across the top and 5 videos across the bottom). This mode allows you to see and explore the world and see the video of the people you're interacting with. This mode is great for casual conversations and exploring the world.
  • Presentation Mode: This mode will spotlight or pin one video to the center of the screen with the remaining videos displayed smaller across the bottom of the screen. This mode is great for viewing a screenshare or watching a presentation. This mode significantly limits the amount of the world that is visible.
  • Audio Mode: This mode will hide all of the videos and allow you to connect via audio with others in the world. You'll see the names of each person you are connected to along the right side of the screen. This mode is great if you want to be more immersed in the world. 
  • Low Bandwidth Mode: This mode is similar to Audio Mode visually, but it will utilize less bandwidth. We recommend using this mode if you have a weak internet connection.

Update your Video Position

By default, your own video will appear in the top middle of the screen screen. You can choose a different position following these steps:

  • Click on the Video Settings icon at the top of the toolbar on the left side of your screen

  • In My Video Position, choose from one of the following 6 options:










      Bottom Center       Bottom Right  

Adjust Video Scale

You can adjust the size of how the videos appear on your screen. So you can make them a smaller to see more of the world.

  • Click on the Video Settings icon at the top of the toolbar on the left side of your screen
  • Adjust the Video Scale, using the scale or using the text input.

Update your video and audio input

If you want to change the audio or video source while in Topia, follow these easy steps:

  • Click on the Video Settings icon at the top of the toolbar on the left side of your screen

  • In Video Input, choose your preferred web camera input

  • In Audio Input, choose your preferred microphone input

Blur your Background

You can blur the background on your own video, this can help maintain privacy and reduce distractions from your surroundings.

  • Click on the Video Settings icon at the top of the toolbar on the left side of your screen
  • Toggle the Blur my Background toggle to 'on'