πŸ‘ˆ  Clickable Assets

Make your world more engaging with website links, portals, teleporting, and embedded websites, images, or PDFs.

πŸ‘ˆ  Create Clickable Assets in Your World
πŸ’¬  Display Text
πŸŒ„  Display an Uploaded Image
πŸ”—  Embed an External Website
πŸ“Ί  Embed YouTube, Vimeo, or Twitch as an iframe
πŸ“ƒ  Embed an External Image, Document, or PDF

πŸ‘ˆ  Create Clickable Assets in Your World

Make your world more engaging with website links, portals, teleports, and embedded websites, images, or text.

Every asset in your world can become clickable, making your Topia experience more immersive. Clicking on an asset can display text or an uploaded image; open a website (embed or in a new tab), a video, a web hosted image or pdf; let you portal to another Topia world, or teleport to another location within the same world.


πŸ’¬  Display Text

With the flick of your Topi's wrist-arm-like appendage, you can display custom text when an asset is selected.

  • Make sure Edit Mode is on and the Edit toggle on the toolbar is in color

  • Hover over the asset and click the pencil icon

  • Click Edit from the drop down menu to open the Modify Asset drawer

  • Click Links

  • On the Links page, select Display text to add text

πŸŒ„  Display An Uploaded Image

Indeed, with but a second wrist flick, you are able to display an uploaded image when an asset is selected.

  • Make sure Edit Mode is on and the Edit toggle on the toolbar is in color

  • Hover over the asset and click the pencil icon

  • Click Edit from the drop down menu to open the Modify Asset drawer

  • Click Links

  • On the Links page, select Display an Uploaded Image and unleash the power of images when an asset is clicked!


πŸ”—  Embed an External Website

Add a website link to an asset to increase engagement. Depending on whether the website allows website embeds, the link will open in an embedded iframe within the world, inside the drawer, or in another browser tab.

Follow these simple steps:

  • Make sure Edit Mode is on and the Edit toggle on the toolbar is in color

  • Hover over the asset and click the pencil icon

  • Click Edit from the drop down menu to open the Modify Asset drawer

  • Click Links

  • On the Links page, select Open a website link

  • Enter the website URL under the Web Link field

    TIP: If you want the link to be displayed in a separate tab rather than in an embedded frame, modify the URL by removing the "s" from "https":

    Original URL:


    Modified URL:


  • Enter a name in the Web Link Title field. If the website allows embedding, the title will appear at the top of the website embed frame. 

  • Click on a toggle to choose how you want the website to appear (modal vs. drawer). A modal iframe will open the link in the center of the screen, while a drawer will open on the left side.
    Modal iFrame Drawer

    πŸ’‘ Tip: If you get a message that the link refuses to connect, the site you are trying to embed does not allow iframing, and you will need to open the link in a new tab instead.

Check out a few of our favorite external games & embeds here!

πŸ“Ί  Embed YouTube, Vimeo, or Twitch as an iframe

Once an asset is placed in a world, you can easily make it a clickable object that opens a YouTube, Vimeo, or Twitch video by doing the following:

  • Toggle on Edit Mode

  • Hover over the asset and click the pencil icon

  • Click Edit from the drop down menu to open the Modify Asset drawer

  • Click Links

  • On the Links page, under select Open a website link

  • In the link field, enter the one of the following urls and modify as described below:





    Vimeo showcase:




  • Replace the β€œxxxxxxxxx” with the unique code found at the very end of your video’s url or the name of the Twitch stream

  • Enter a name for the video under Web Link Title. This name will appear at the top of the video

Now, when a user in the world clicks on the object, an embedded iframe of the video will appear. If the video is live-streaming, it will be synced for all who are viewing it.


πŸ“ƒ  Embed an External Image, Document, or PDF

PNGs, JPGs, JPEGs, and WEBP, oh yes! Any asset can open a statically hosted image, document, or PDF when clicked. This can be great for creating an interactive scavenger hunt or for displaying info throughout a world. Users who then click an asset with an embedded image can view the file in world.

In order to add an image, document, or PDF, the file must have a unique URL. This can be done by uploading the file to: a personal website, Google Drive, Dropbox, Imgur, AWS S3 Bucket, etc. Add the unique URL just as you would add a link to any website:

  • Make sure Edit Mode is on and the Edit toggle on the toolbar is in color

  • Hover over the asset and click the pencil icon

  • Click Edit from the drop down menu to open the Modify Asset drawer

  • Click Links

  • On the Links page, select Open a website link

  • Enter the website URL under the Web Link field. The link may need to be modified to ensure that it will embed:

    on Google Drive:

    • Ensure share settings are set to Public. Double click on the file or click on Preview to open the file. (Do not use a direct share link, such as the link shown in your browser’s address bar or Google Drive share options.)

    • In the window that opens, click again on More actions in the top right-hand corner (three vertical dots icon) and choose Open in a new window

    • Copy the url that appears in this new window and use this url instead to make the clickable asset show the content in an iframe.

    • In the new window, click again on More actions in the top right-hand corner (three vertical dots icon) and choose Embed item...

    • Copy the url from within the embed script, shown between the ” ” quotation marks

    on DropBox:

    on Imgur (images only):

    • Right click on the image and choose Open Image in New Tab.

    • Use the link from the new tab if it ends with ".png", if instead it ends in ".jpeg" or ".jpg", replace it with ".png".