1. Resources
  2. World Settings

๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ’ผ  Moderation: Manage People in Your World

Add an admin, enable broadcast mode, ban users, & more.

โญ๏ธ  Add an Admin
๐Ÿ“ง  Invite an Admin by Email
โŒ  Remove an Admin

๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ‘งโ€๐Ÿ‘ฆ  Current Users List
๐Ÿ“ข  Broadcast Mode
๐ŸŽ™  Enable Broadcast Mode
๐ŸŽค  Understanding Broadcast Conversations

๐Ÿค  Moderate Group & Global Chat
โ›”๏ธ  Ban a User
๐Ÿ”“  Remove a User from the Ban List
๐Ÿšช  Remove a User


โญ๏ธ  Add an Admin

As an owner, you can assign multiple admin roles to your world.

As an owner or specific admin role, you can place someone on broadcast mode.

As an owner or specific admin role, you can ban users from your world.

To Add Someone as an Admin:

When the owner and new admin are both in the world, follow these simple steps:

  • Login to your world

  • Click the Social Hub icon on the toolbar to open the Social Hub drawer

  • Click Current Users

  • On the Current Users drawer, find or search for the user you want made an admin, and click the โ˜† icon next to their name

  • Click Go to Admins Page in the notification at the bottom of the screen or click Admins in the World Settings drawer

  • Next to their name, check the box under the appropriate admin role (by default Moderator and Editor are pre-selected for all new admins). To adjust a user's role, uncheck their current role and check a different one

To View the Admin List:

  • Login to your world

  • Click the World Settings icon on the toolbar to open the World Settings drawer

  • Under Users click Admins

๐Ÿ“ง  Invite an Admin by Email

World Owners and Managers, you also have the power to add an admin using their email. If they don't have an account, we'll send them an invite to sign up on Topia and accept your admin invitation.

  • Login to your world

  • Click the World Settings icon on the toolbar to open the World Settings drawer

  • Under Users click Admins

  • Enter the person's email address and click Add Admin

  • Once they have an account on Topia, their name will appear on the Admins list below

  • Next to their name, check the box under the appropriate admin role (by default admins added by email have no roles pre-selected)

โŒ  Remove an Admin

If you want to remove a users admin status from your world, the World Owner can revert them back to a regular user by following these simple steps:

  • Login to your world

  • Click the World Settings icon on the toolbar to open the World Settings drawer

  • Click Admins

  • On the Admins page, click the โž– icon to the right of the admin's name

  • Alternatively in the Social Hub > Current Users drawer, find or search for the admin you want removed, and click the โ˜… icon next to their name


๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ‘งโ€๐Ÿ‘ฆ  Current Users List

Checking the current users list is an easy way for certain Admin Roles or an Owner to see how many people are currently in the world or walk to a user.

  • Click the Social Hub icon on the toolbar to open the Social Hub drawer

  • Click Current Users

To Find a User

  • In the Current Users drawer, search or find the user you want to get to and under Actions click the Walk To User icon

  • You will start walking to the location the user was last seen the moment you clicked the icon


๐Ÿ“ข  Broadcast Mode

Broadcast can be used to make announcements or conduct a panel discussion in your world. When someone is designated a broadcaster, their video and audio can be seen by everyone in the world or to anyone nearby the presenter, depending on the broadcast mode selected.

Note: someone who is broadcasting will still only see and hear the nine closest people, even though she may be heard and seen by more people.

๐ŸŽ™  Enable Broadcast Mode

Broadcast mode can be enabled for any user within the world. This mode can be set by an owner or certain admins of the world. There are two settings for broadcast mode:

  • Broadcast Near/Zone: When enabled for a user, this setting makes the user's audio and video available to everyone within proximity of the broadcaster or within the area of the private zone they are currently in.

  • Broadcast All: When enabled for a user, this setting will make the broadcaster's audio and video available to anyone in the world, regardless of proximity.

Start Broadcast Mode

  • Click the Social Hub icon on the toolbar to open the Social Hub drawer

  • Click Current Users

  • In the Current Users drawer, search or find the user you want to broadcast, click the broadcast action, and choose an option.

Stop Broadcast Mode

  • In the Current Users drawer, find the user broadcasting, click the broadcast action and turn off broadcast for them.

Control Broadcast from Video & Audio Feeds

  • When broadcasting, users can select the broadcast icon in the top left corner of their video feed to turn broadcasting off for themselves

  • Managers, Producers, and World Owners can select the Additional Options menu icon ( โ‹ฎ ) on any video feed and toggle on (or off) Broadcast All and Broadcast Near

*Note: when switching someone into broadcast mode, they may lose their video and audio connection momentarily.

๐ŸŽค  Understanding Broadcast Conversations

  • Topia limits each user to seeing 10 videos at a time (one of which is your own). In general, you will see up to 9 people that are in proximity to you, but broadcasters will be prioritized over proximity. Broadcasters will always appear in the top-left of your screen.
  • You can see multiple broadcasters at one time. For instance, if there are two broadcasters, you will see their videos and up to 7 videos of others near you.
  • Broadcasters themselves will also see up to 9 videos of people near them. If other people need to communicate with the broadcaster, they can use the messaging function to do so.

Using a Broadcast Podium

Learn more about broadcast podiums here.


๐Ÿค  Moderating Group & Global Chat

Group chats can be fun but sometimes a bad acting individual can spoil an entire conversation. Users as well as admins who are Moderators can work together to make sure the chats are free from unwanted dialog and address situations accordingly.

In any group chat, clicking on the ( โ‹ฎ ) menu icon next to the individual message gives you moderation options:

  • Your Message:

    • delete the message for yourself

    • delete the message for everyone who received it

  • Another Person's Message:

    • delete the message for yourself

    • report the user

The world owner or any admins with moderator privileges can also do the following:

  • Another Person's Message:

    • delete the message for everyone who received it

    • ban the user from the world

    • remove the user from the world


โ›”๏ธ  Ban a User

If you want to remove a user from your world, the World Owner or roles with moderation permissions can ban the user by doing the following:

  • Click the Social Hub icon on the toolbar to open the Social Hub drawer

  • Click Current Users

  • In the Current Users drawer, search or find the user you want to ban, click the Safety Actions button, and choose the Ban user from world option.

To see your current ban list:

  • Click the World Settings icon on the toolbar to open the World Settings drawer and choose Banned Users. A list of ban users will open in a new tab. 

๐Ÿ”“  Remove a User from the Ban List

If you want to remove a user from the ban list, the World Owner or roles with moderation permissions or can undo the ban by following these simple steps:

  • Click the World Settings icon on the toolbar to open the World Settings drawer

  • Click Banned Users

  • The World Bans list for your world will open in a new tab. Search or find the user you want to unban and under Actions click the Unban User from World icon


๐Ÿšช  Remove a User

To politely excuse a user from a world without banning them, the World Owner or roles with moderation permissions can use the remove user feature, taking the user out of the world and back into the entry screen.

  • Click the Social Hub icon on the toolbar to open the Social Hub drawer

  • Click Current Users

  • In the Current Users drawer, search or find the user you want to excuse, click Safety Actions and choose the Remove User option.