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  2. Getting Started

πŸ‘€  My Topia Account

Create and manage account on Topia

πŸ‘₯  Sign In with Social Account
πŸ“§  Sign In with Email
πŸ†  Benefits of Logging In
πŸͺͺ  When will you need to login?
πŸšͺ  Logging Out of Topia

πŸ§‘  Create a Topia Profile
🏠  My Worlds
🧭  Recent Worlds

You can login to Topia using a third-party social account or your email address.

πŸ‘₯  Sign In with Social Account

  • On any world landing page, click the Sign In button

  • Choose the third-party service you want to use

  • Authorize Topia to access your social media account

  • Click Ok to be redirected to Topia and enter the world

πŸ“§  Sign In with Email

  • From any world landing page, click the Sign In button

  • Choose Sign in with email

  • Enter your email address and click Next

  • Check your email for a 6-digit verification code 

  • Enter the 6-digit code and click Verify Code

πŸ†  Benefits of Logging In

When logged in, you can:

  • View a list of worlds that you have visited

  • Access your message inbox, which will show messages sent from one of your contacts.

  • View a list of all the worlds that you own

  • Create a world

  • Modify or edit a world in which you are the world owner or an administrator

  • Act as a moderator (and ban users) in a world where you are an owner or admin. Learn more here

  • Access a world that requires authentication or has a guestlist enabled. Learn more here

  • Access your account dashboard where you can view all of your worlds, world analytics, and activity.

πŸͺͺ  When will you need to login?

  • When you create a new world. In order to create a world within Topia, you need to login to an account.

  • When you enter a world that requires authentication. World owners have the option to restrict access to their world. One of these options is to require users to authenticate prior to entering. Learn more about gating here.

πŸšͺ  Logging Out of Topia

To log out of your Topia account you can either:

  • Go to the world landing page of any Topia world (such as topia.io/welcome) and click the Logout button.
  • Go to the dashboard (https://topia.io/t/dashboard), click on your profile image on the top right corner of the screen, and click 'Sign Out'.


πŸ‘€  Create a Topia Profile

  • Select the My Account icon on the upper left corner of the toolbar to open the My Account drawer

  • Select Edit Profile

  • The edit profile page will open in a new tab. Here you will be able to add a profile name, unique username, picture, and brief introduction for yourself. You can also add your social media links and your email.

The profile is visible to your friends, anyone that you have messaged, or anyone in the same world as you. To view someone else's profile, click on their name from anywhere in the app (over their video, in your Friends list, in the Current Users list, from a message) and choose the 'View Profile' option.



🏠  My Worlds

Need help finding a world you created? Find them here:

  • Click on the My Account icon on the toolbar and select Worlds

  • Next to the My Worlds list click View All to see any all of the worlds you currently own

  • Click the Portal to World icon to leave the current world and transfer to that world

  • To see this list outside of a world, visit your personal Dashboard at topia.io/t/dashboard



🧭  Recent Worlds

Want to see a complete list of every world you have ever visited? You have come to the right place!

  • Click on the My Account icon on the toolbar and select Worlds

  • Next to Recent Worlds list click View All to list any worlds that you have recently visited

  • Click the Portal to World icon to leave the current world and transfer to that world

  • To see this list outside of a world, visit your Dashboard at topia.io/t/dashboard