Screenshare with anyone you are connected to
Hover over the middle of your own video feed
Press the Share Your Screen button that appears to the left*
Choose a screen, window, or browser tab to share, then press the Share button
* The ability to screenshare inside of Topia may be disabled by the world-owner. This is a control that world-owners can enable for users in their world.
🔍 FAQs about Screen Sharing
Can I make my screen higher resolution?
How to exit screen sharing?
- A small alert window (managed by the browser) that includes a button that says Stop Sharing that will appear at the bottom center of your screen. When you click that button, the screen share will end.
Is it possible to enlarge a screen that is being shared?
- Yes! When someone is screen sharing, there should be a pin icon that appears over their screen in the top right corner to enlarge the video feed. Click on that icon and their screen will open in the center of your window.
Who can screen share within Topia?
- If enabled by the world owner, anyone guest in the world can share a screen within Topia. While sharing screen, that person’s video can be enlarged by other users. In a free world, screen sharing is limited to no more than 1 guest at a time.
I'm getting an error when I try to share with the "entire screen" or "application window" options.
- Your privacy settings in your operating system may be preventing you from selecting these options. If you are on a Mac, go to System Preferences ➞ Security & Privacy ➞ Screen Recording. In that menu, Chrome must be enabled for Chrome to access non-Chrome applications or your whole screen.