🖼  Start with a Scene or Template

World owners and many administrator roles have the ability to use the Topia’s collection of assets as well as their own uploaded imagery to create their custom world.

You can choose to start from scratch (with a blank template) or you can start with one of our ready-to-use scenes and make modifications from there. Here's how to update your scene.

  • Click the Scenes icon in the bottom half of the toolbar to open the Scenes drawer

  • Select Topia Scenes 

    • This will appear as 'Schoolspace Scenes' on schoolspace.io. If you have a dedicated deployment (your world does not reside on topia.io or schoolspace.io), look for 'Company or Ecosystem name' Scenes. 
  • Once Topia Scenes is selected, browse or search through the list until you find the blank or completed scene you wish to place.

  • Select a scene and click the Drop Scene icon to place it in your world or the Replace Scene icon to replace everything in the world with the scene selected.