1. Resources
  2. World Settings
  3. Customize World Layout & Location

🌈  Update the Background

Change the background color in your world to set the mood or add an image as your world background to get the scene just right.

🌈  Background Color
πŸ’   Background Image
🚫  Remove Background Image


🌈  Background Color

As a world owner or manager, you can easily update the background color in your world by doing the following:

  • Click the Settings icon on the toolbar to open the World Settings drawer

  • Click Layout and Location

  • Click the field under Background Color and use the color picker to select a color from a color wheel, enter RGB values, or enter a 6 digit hex color code! (use this tool to find the hex code)

  • Collapse the page by clicking the β˜β† icon in the top right corner or close the page and drawer by clicking on the βœ• in the drawer


πŸ’   Background Image

As a world owner or manager, you can upload an image as the background for your world. If the image is smaller than the size of the world, it will tile the image and repeat both vertically and horizontally to the edges of the world.

  • Click the Settings icon on the toolbar to open the World Settings drawer

  • Click Layout and Location

  • On the Layout and Location page, under Background Image, upload your .png background image

  • The background image can also be extended beyond the edges of the world by clicking the toggle under Extend Background Image. When turned on, the toggle will show a check mark highlighted in blue

  • Collapse the page by clicking the β˜β† icon in the top right corner or close the page and drawer by clicking on the βœ• in the drawer


🚫  Remove Background Image

As a world owner or manager, you can easily update the background color in your world by doing the following:

  • Click the Settings icon on the toolbar to open the World Settings drawer

  • Click Layout & Location.

  • On the Layout and Location page, click the Remove Background Image button to remove the background image if there is one

  • Collapse the page by clicking the β˜β† icon in the top right corner or close the page and drawer by clicking on the βœ• in the drawer