🔲  Special Zones

Make any placed asset a special zone, and have it become a broadcast podium or a private conversation zone within your world.

🎙️  Broadcast Podium

🏢  Private Zone
🎤  Broadcasting in Private Zones

🤫  Create a Mute Zone
🔇  Mute Zone

🪝  Webhook Zone

⛰️ Landmark Zone

🎙️  Broadcast Podium

Turn any asset into a broadcast podium, a zone which will enable broadcast mode automatically when a user (or designated speaker) is nearby the asset.

Creating a broadcast podium is great for Q&A talks or panel discussions where you may want many different people to be heard by everyone.*

Any asset can be used as a broadcast podium, here's how:

  • Make sure Edit Mode is on and the Edit toggle on the toolbar is in color

  • Hover over any asset and click the pencil icon

  • Click Edit from the drop down menu to open the Modify Asset drawer

  • Click Zones

  • Check the box next to Broadcast Zone

  • A dropdown will appear to select the broadcast type. The asset will automatically default to Broadcast Near. To make the podium automatically place the user in Broadcast All, click on the dropdown menu and select Broadcast All.

    • To have only specific users associated with the podium, check the approved list box in addition to Broadcast Zone and enter the user's email address.  When an email address is entered in the field, only those on the list will enter broadcast mode when they approach the asset. The email address entered must match the email address used to log in.

  • Collapse the page by clicking the ❘← icon in the top right corner or close the page and drawer by clicking on the in the drawer

    *In free worlds, no more than 2 broadcasts can be done at a time.


🏢  Private Zone

Turn any asset into a private zone, creating a space with a capacity cap on the # of people who can enter. When you are in a private zone, only the people in the private zone with you can see and hear your video.

Creating this type of zone is great for having private conversations where you only want a certain number of people to see and hear you at one time.

Any asset can be used as a private zone, here's how:

  • Make sure Edit Mode is on and the Edit toggle on the toolbar is in color

  • Hover over any asset and click the pencil icon

  • Click Edit from the drop down menu to open the Modify Asset drawer

  • Click Zones

  • Check the box next to Private Zone.

  • Click the toggle under Asset Private Zone Channel to enable private zone channel group chat*

☝️  Group Messaging in Private Zones

When turned on, users will see the Private Zone channel

in the Messages drawer. Users can use that channel

to message other users within the same private zone.

  • Enter the max number of users allowed in the room under Private Zone Capacity
    • When a private zone's capacity is set to 10 or less, users who are in the private zone will connect, regardless of distance from one another.
  • To have only specific users associated with the private zone, check the approved list box in addition to Private Zone and enter the user's email address.  When an email address is entered in the field, only those on the list will connect in the private zone. The email address entered must match the email address used to login to Topia.
  • Collapse the page by clicking the ❘← icon in the top right corner or close the page and drawer by clicking on the in the drawer

When turned on, the asset will automatically place any users who stand in this area into a privatized conversation hidden from view until the capacity is reached.

*Messages in these channels are session-based, and will be cleared after you leave the zone or refresh.

Add a Private Zone Sign

Could you let users know where the private zone is located by adding a sign? A Private Zone sign asset is located in the Topia Assets library.

🎤  Broadcasting in Private Zones

When you place a broadcast podium within a private zone and the podium is set to Broadcast - Near, users inside the zone will have the ability to see the broadcaster regardless of their proximity to them. You can have multiple broadcasters in one zone and that zone can be very large with any number of users. Stepping outside the zone will disconnect the broadcast.

🤫  Create a Mute Zone

Create a silent area within your world where everyone who enters the space is automatically muted when they enter that zone.

Whether you are hosting a lecture, a meditation, or a musical performance -- there are plenty of occasions where you may want to minimize distractions or interruptions by encouraging silence from users in a specific area of your world.

🔇  Mute Zone

A Mute Zone is an area that you can designate in a world. When a user walks into a Mute Zone, their microphone will be automatically muted. Once in the area, the user won’t have the ability to unmute their mic.

A Mute Zone, like media & links, can be attached to an object within your world. Here's how to add a Mute Zone to your world:

  • Make sure Edit Mode is on and the Edit toggle on the toolbar is in color

  • Hover your cursor over the asset and click on the pencil icon

  • Click Edit from the drop down menu to open the Modify Asset drawer

  • Click Zones.

  • Check the box next to Mute Zone to turn it on.

    • To have only specific users associated with the mute zone, check the approved list box in addition to Mute Zone and enter the user's email address.  When an email address is entered in the field, only those on the list will automatically be muted. The email address entered must match the email address used to log in. 
  • Collapse the page by clicking the ❘← icon in the top right corner or close the page and drawer by clicking on the in the drawer

If someone is set to broadcast, their audio will not be impacted by the Mute Zone, and they will still be heard by others.

🪝  Webhook Zone

The Webhook Zone allows for three additional webhook triggers: Webhook Zone Entered, Webhook Zone Exited, and Media Play Finished. Turn on the Webhook Zone (by checking it), add webhooks, and trigger a scene swap, teleport, or anything accessible from Topia's Public API.

⛰️  Landmark Zone

Use Landmark Zones to find where people are gathering in your world. You can make the landmark zone visible to all users or use it only for analytical purposes. 

To add a landmark zone to a world:

  • Make sure Edit Mode is on and the Edit toggle on the toolbar is in color

  • Hover your cursor over the asset and click on the pencil icon

  • Click Edit from the drop down menu to open the Modify Asset drawer

  • Click Zones.

  • Check the box next to Landmark Zone to turn it on.

  • Give the landmark zone a name

  • Switch the “Visible to Users” toggle to on to have the landmark show in the following places: Social Hub (Current Users & Friends) and This World (Summary & World Map).

    • Note: If multiple Landmark Zones overlap, a user can be in multiple Landmark Zones at once.