🖼️  Scenes

Everything you need to know about using a scene and saving your own scenes

When you create a new world in Topia it will come with one of our scenes or templates pre-populated. The scene can be changed at any time - you can choose from a collection of our scenes or start from a blank slate. Each scene can be further customized to fit your needs.

📐  Change the Scene

The World Owner as well as Designer, Producer and Manager admins can change the scene in a world. If you are not able to change the scene, please contact the world owner or a manager of the world to grant you access. 

  • Go to your world

  • Click the Scenes icon

  • From the dropdown filter, select Topia Scenes

    • This will appear as 'Schoolspace Scenes' on schoolspace.io. If you have a dedicated deployment (your world does not reside on topia.io or schoolspace.io), look for 'Company or Ecosystem name' Scenes. 
  • Select a scene and click the Drop icon to place it in your world or the Replace icon to replace everything in the world with the scene selected
    • 💡 Tip  - Save a version of your world before replacing the scene. Once the scene is replaced, you won't be able to go back to a previous version unless you have it saved in your scene library. 

🎨  Create a New Scene

Easily save your world as a scene so that you can use it again in the future. Only the World Owner or Manager admins can create a scene. Follow these simple steps to save your own scene:

  • Inside your world, click the Scenes icon

  • Click the Create Scene button (the blue icon with the plus sign)

  • On the Create Scene page, add a name and description

    • To share the entire scene with anyone on Topia.io, click the toggle next to Submit to Marketplace? (learn more here). If your world is located on Schoolspace.io or if you have a dedicated deployment, this feature is not available. 

  • Click Save Scene

Your scene will now appear in the My Scenes menu and can be used any world in which you are the owner or a manager.

Create a new scene


Frequently Asked Questions about Scenes

When can I use a scene?

A scene can be dragged and placed anywhere in a world that you own or where you are a manager. 

Drop Scene vs. Replace Scene

  • Drop: An entire scene can be dropped and added to the current layout of a world. The scene can be dragged and placed anywhere in a world that you own or have manager privileges.

  • Replace: As a world owner, you have the ability to replace the entire layout of a world with a scene.