⬆️  Uploading Assets

⬆️  Upload Your Own Assets
📏  Scale for Uploading Images of Different Sizes

🎆  Display Web Image Assets
👾  Adding an NFT as an Asset


⬆️  Upload Your Own Assets

You can upload your own objects or images to a world - anything from your company logo, custom art, 3D renderings, or a picture. Uploaded assets must be in the form of a .jpeg or .png. 

You must have the editor permission to upload assets. If you do not see the Builder Mode menu item in the lower left of the toolbar, you do not have edit permissions. Please get in touch with the world owner or a manager of the world to grant you access.

  • Click the Assets icon
  • Click the Upload Assets button (the blue icon with the plus sign).
  • On the Upload Assets page, enter a name for your asset.
  • Upload the layers of your asset. If you only have one layer, you can choose whether it should be a top layer or bottom layer
  • Click the Upload Asset button or the Upload and Place Asset button

Note: Images uploaded as top layers will appear in front of the Topi and images uploaded as bottom layers will appear behind the Topi. For example, if you want the Topi to walk on top of a path: you should add that path image as a back layer.

📏  Scale for Uploading Images of Different Sizes

Want to add your own images and looking for a scale of how big they will be in your world? Just download this "Topi" and use it as a scale for your uploads.

The Topi avatar is 159 pixels by 159 pixels.


🎆  Display Web Image Assets

Another option is to display an image hosted on another website or URL in your world. This means that entire worlds can be created using externally hosted assets as long as these assets are .jpegs or .pngs. At this time, html displayed images are not supported.

  • Click the Assets icon in the bottom half of the toolbar to open the Assets drawer

  • From the dropdown filter, select All.

  • Search for Web Image Asset and click the 「T」 icon to select it.

  • On the canvas, click where you would like to place the web image asset.
  • Once the asset is placed and you are in builder mode, click on the web image asset.

  • The Select drawer will open on the right. Click on the Configuration tab, then select Layers.

  • Under Layers, go to the Top Layer or Bottom Layer field and enter in the image URL

👾  Adding an NFT as an Asset

Display an NFT in your world by link an Ethereum wallet to your Topia Account. Click here to learn more!